A History of Mini Labs
Many people think Miniature Labradors are a different breed of Labradors. They are not! They are only a size variation of the Labrador breed. These miniature Labradors came about because both breeders and rescue workers expressed a desire for smaller Labradors. Though they are often bred with regular Labradors in order to retain characteristics that are typical of their Labrador ancestors, Miniature Labradors are pure-bred dogs. The size variation of miniature Labradors has been in existence for a long time. Miniature Labradors are registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC); they also have several other Labrador Retriever registrations.Physical Traits Of Mini Labs
Miniature Labradors possess many of the favorable traits that regular Labrador retrievers do. Miniature Labradors are strongly built, broad in the skull and chest, broad in the hindquarters, and very active. Miniature labs, like regular labs, are agile, good tempered and devoted companions. Miniature Labradors are people pleasers, and they are kind and non-aggressive by nature.Miniature Labradors can be one of three different colors: black, yellow, or chocolate brown just as in regular Labradors. Miniature Labradors typically weigh between forty-five and fifty pounds and they are usually sixteen to nineteen inches tall at the shoulder. Any miniature Labrador that measures over twenty inches tall at the shoulder is too large to compete in a dog show as a miniature. Toy-size dogs are not judged favorably.
The Mini Lab Controversy
Many people don't believe that miniature Labradors are a variation of Labrador. Some people think that they are breeds of regular Labradors. Whatever you choose to believe, you can't go wrong if you choose a miniature Labrador as your companion. They have all the same traits as a regular Labrador, just at a smaller size!Denise Duncan loves all dogs, especially labradors, and enjoys training and raising them. She is a contributing author and editor for http://www.AllAboutLabradors.com
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